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Top 6 tips for job hunt during the pandemic

The job hunt has never been easy and now with the pandemic, the search has become harder. Many companies are forced to downsize restructure and being laid off during the pandemic is a “looming fear” that haunts us. If you have lost your job then this is worth a read.

Here are the top 6 tips that you can immediately do, to increase your prospects of getting a job asap.

“For job seekers who need to find a new job ASAP, we advise them to be flexible with their expectations and to approach the search with a hustle mentality,” says one of the top recruiters. Here are our top 6 tips for your job hunt

Make Sure your CV is well structured and formatted

Probably the most important and decisive documents that keep you from getting an interview or screening calls. Ensure that you don’t make these common errors in your CV, which is why your CV may not be getting shortlisted.

  • A good CV layout and structure with sub-headings are very important.

  • Chose the right Fonts for headings, subheading, and job description

  • Keep your CV simple and professional. I will be sharing sample CVs with our subscribers.

  • Ensure you do a thorough spell-check. Grammatical errors are a poor reflection.

Chose The Right Words

Recruiters and hiring managers do not have time to read every CV they get. Your CV must have the right words and the same (or nearest) as the required job description. So when you apply for a job ensure that if you have experience or knowledge or attended training in that “WORD” then add it to your CV. This may mean you would need a differently presented CV for almost every job, which is fine (Please make sure you do not misrepresent your CV). CVs are searched using Boolean criteria or ATS e.g (“Sales Engineer” AND “tender” AND “quotations” AND “JD Edwards”) means I am looking for the above words to appear at least once in your CV. If it is not there and your CV will be missed.

Build and Maximise Your Network

"It is always Who You Know and What You Know" that matters.

Networking is often the best way to get a job. Connect with every potential person you know, starting from your first hiring manager and team members, to your present. If you have been good at your work and maintained a good rapport with your connections then of the 25 people you connect at least one may give you a lead. Getting references or recommendation of your work from decision-makers add value when you apply.

Join online groups or job seekers and find out who is hiring and what role do they have.

Seek advice and don’t be afraid to ask for help from your previous managers and support from your peers. They will guide and support you especially at this time.

Market Your Own CV

Often the best options for a job are your previous employers' competitors (or companies in the same industry or offering the same service). It is absolutely mandatory that you make sure you reach out to them. Given the fact that they may already know you or see very similar terminology, words, clients, etc in your CV, it will attract attention whether now or in the next few months.

Given the current state of your job search, you should be contacting recruitment agencies, registering with online job portals, applying for jobs posted directly posted by the company on various media and websites, and networking. Make sure you start your new job( searching for one). Your working hours are 08:00 AM to 5:30 PM, 5-6 days a week with an hour off for lunch. Your travel - When you are called for an interview, our benefits, and perks - Depends on how well you are accomplishing your objectives.

Take up a Temporary Job

Bills still have to be paid. I speak to several candidates who are struggling for a job and they used to refuse jobs because they did not meet their salary expectations or the company was not a multinational. Your rent, groceries, water electricity, children's needs, etc still have to be paid. Cut your losses, don’t get stuck with a long gap in your CV. You may want to take up any temporary job or job completely out of your line because let's face it, you and I do not know how long before we get the next job. This would be only temporary solutions and require humbling ourselves to make ends meet.

Remain Positive

Staying motivated in your job hunt may not be that easy. There is a mental toll it would take. This would come from the stress of paying your bills, fear of the future, health reasons, etc. Depression and demotivation are looming. But there is a way out. It is extremely important that you have fresh air, a jog, a swim, or a light physical exercise to maintain a healthy positive mindset. A negative mind is definitely not what you need. You always have friends and family surrounding you even if you don’t realize it. Stay strong, there are millions in a similar boat. This situation too will pass and before you know it you will have a job.

All the very best in your job hunt.


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